The Cotton Arch on the Royal Route

SUNDAY ( 3rd December 1911, Bombay): After a brief rest on the Medina , Their Majesties again landed in the early evening and drove in state to attend Divine service in the Cathedral Church of St. Thomas. This is one of the few remaining links which bind Bombay with the days of John Company and the early Factors. For it was in 1675 that the Directors proposed building of a church where all might gather for worship, instead of in the Hall of the Castle , and forty years later , after a stout chaplain, Master Richard Cobbe, had rebuked the irreligious spirit of the day, the church was consecrated. Nearly Two centuries of Governors have worshipped within its walls, and such associations have gathered round these time-worn stones that no churchman would exchange the uncompromising plainness for a modern cathedral, however beautiful. Here to a great congregation, the Lord Bishop preached on England's Duty to India.