The landing at Bombay

The Gateway of India was built later at this point

It was officialy inaugarated only in 1924.

A CLOUDLESS sky , the sea rippled into laughter by the slightest of breezes, and a heat haze that hung low on the water and dimmed the hills of the mainland. That was what one saw in the early morning of Saturday, looking seaward from the Apollo Bandar, the seaward gate of India, for the coming of the King Emperor; and, even before the firing at eight o'clock of the three guns which signalled that H.M.S. Medina was sighted, the sun had acquired a strength which was a sure promise of great heat to come.... The fishing boats and native craft , which at this time of the year so picturesquely adorn the most beautiful of harbours , were not allowed within the area to be crossed by the Royal ship; there was an absence of all that fuss and bustling that one associates with a busy port; and as the time passed by it seemed incredible that the three guns did in reality mean the ship had been sighted. From the cloud of smoke on the horizon gradually emerged a steamer which was soon seen to be anything but what all were looking for; then more smoke and through glasses the practised eye could discern that this at last was the long-looked for ship - the signal guns of an hour ago were right enough...